የቀድሞ የሲዳማ ነጻነት ግንባር መሪ ካላ ጋልፋቶ ፌቃ ኣረፉ

የወራንቻ ኢንፎርሜሽን ኔትዎርክ ከተለያዩ ምንጮች ያነገኘው መረጃ እንደምያመለክተው ከሆነ ካላ ጋልፋቶ ባደረባቸው የኩላልት ህመም በሲዳማዋ ዋና ከተማ በሚገኘው ሆስፒታል ስታከሙ ቆይተው ህመሙ ኣገርሽቶባቸው ለሞት ዳርገዋቸዋል።
ካላ ጋልፋቶ ፌቃ ለረዥም ኣመታት ስመሩት የቆዩትን የሲዳማ ነጻነት ግንባር በመልቀቅ ከገዥው ፓርት ጋር ለመስራት እንደፈረንጆቹ የዘመን ኣቆጣጠር 2008 ጀምሮ ወደ ሲዳማ ማግባታቸው ይታወቃል። ወደ ሲዳማ መግባታቸውን ተከትሎ በርካታ የትግል ኣጋሮቻቸው እና የሲዳማ ዳይስፖራ ካላ ጋልፋቶ የወስዱትን እርምጃ ለሲዳማ ህዝብ የማይበጅ ነው በማለት ማጣጣላቸው ይታወሳል።
ዝርዝር ወሬውን ከታች ይመልከቱ፦
Kaala ‘Galfatto Feqqa Dommee’ the former Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) leader passes away due to long standing illness which eventually resulted him in a serious Kidney failure. The report from Sidama land reveal that Kaala Galafatto has been in and out of Hospital for several months in Sidama Capital, Hawassa until he has passed away on the evening of 15th of November 2015 in his home.

Kaala Galafatto has been the leader of Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) for a decade up to the mid 2008 until he’s decided to return back to Sidama land, Ethiopian for the reasons at the moment we can go into.  
His funeral service will be conducted on 17th November 2015, 2pm local time.  

Kaala Galfatoo Feqqa Dommee, 70 has survived with several children and grandchildren and his wife.
The Sidama nation and its community lost one of the greatest politicians and fighters. The Sidama Diaspora and within Sidama land send their deepest condolences to his loved ones during this difficult time for them and the nation at large.

Moderator, Sidama National Regional State Information Network 
November 17, 2015  
የወራንቻ ኢንፎርሜሽን ኔትወርክ ካላ ጋልፋቶ ፌቄ ለሲዳማ ህዝብ ላደረጉት ትግል ትልቅ ቦታ የሚስጥ ከመሆኑ በላይ ከቤተሰቦቻቸውን መጽናናትን ይመኛል።


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