
በዘጠኝ ወራት ተገንብቶ የተጠናቀቀው የሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ የውጭ ኩባንያዎች ሊያስተዳድሩት ነው

ፎቶ ከሪፖርተር ጋዜጣ በታሰበለት ጊዜ መጠናቀቁ ዶ/ር አርከበ ዕቁባይን አስወድሷቸዋል ዘጠኝ ወራት የግንባታ ጊዜ ወስዶ ባለፈው ሳምንት የተመረቀው የሐዋሳ ኢንዱስትሪ ፓርክ ለማስተዳደርና እንቅስቃሴውን በአግባቡ ለማስቀጠል፣ ለህንድና ለቻይና ኩባንያዎች ኮንትራት መሰጠቱ ተገለጸ፡፡ ግንባታውን በታሰበለት ጊዜ እንዲጠናቀቅ በማስቻልና በጥራት እንዲከናወን በማድረግ፣ በበላይነት በመምራትና በማስተካከል ባደረጉት አስተዋጽኦ ዶ/ር አርከበ ዕቁባይ ከመንግሥትና ከባለሀብቶች ውዳሴ ጎርፎላቸዋል፡፡ በ250 ሚሊዮን ዶላር በቻይናው ተቋራጭ (ሲሲኢሲሲ) ኩባንያ የተገነባው የኢንዱስትሪ መንደር ዓለም አቀፍ መሥፈርቶች ያሟላና ከብክለት ነፃ የሚያደርግ ቴክኖሎጂ የተገጠመለት ሲሆን፣ በዓመት አንድ ቢሊዮን ዶላር የውጭ ምንዛሪ እንደሚያስገኝም ተገልጿል፡፡ የፓርኩ አሠራር ውስብስብና ከፍተኛ የማስተዳደር ክህሎት የሚጠይቅና በአገር ውስጥ ባለሙያዎች ለማስተዳደር የሚያስቸግር በመሆኑ፣ በውጭ ኩባንያዎች ለሦስት ዓመታት እንዲተዳደር በመንግሥት መወሰኑን ዶ/ር አርከበ በምርቃት ሥነ ሥርዓቱ ወቅት አስታውቀዋል፡፡ የፓርኩን የዕለት ተዕለት እንቅስቃሴን ጨምሮ አጠቃላይ አስተዳደራዊ ሥራና የጥገና አገልግሎቶችን እንዲያስተዳድር ተቋራጩ ሲሲኢሲሲና የኢንዱስትሪ ፓርኮችን በማስተዳደር ዝና አለው የተባለው ኩን ሻን ኩባንያ በጋራ ኃላፊነቱን ወስደዋል፡፡ እንዲሁም ፓርኩ ከብክለት ነፃ እንዲሆን ፍሳሽ አልባ ቴክኖሎጂ (Zero Liquid Discharge) የተከለው የህንዱ አርቪን ኩባንያ ይህንን ኃላፊነት መውሰዱን ዶ/ር አርከበ ገልጸዋል፡፡ በሚኒስትር ዴኤታ ማዕረግ የኢትዮጵያ ኢንዱስትሪ ኮርፖሬሽን ዋና ሥራ አስፈጻሚ የሆኑት ሚኒስትር አቶ ሲሳይ ገመቹ፣ ሦስቱ ኩባንያዎች ፓርኩን ለሦስት ዓመት እንደሚያስተዳድ

Bureau Steps Up Hawassa IP Recruitment

A total budget of 60 million Br has been set aside for the recruitment and training of HIP staff Though he arrived late Sisay Gemechu's (IPDC CEO) (sitting left to right) mandate was out of the ordinary. Genet Mekuria, Bureau head of Trade & Industry (SNNPR), Sileshi Lema Director General - ETIDI, Taddesse Haile state minister of MoI, Nebil Kalow Managing Director of EP, Ranjanshi Dutta Tenants’ Association representative. The Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Trade and Industry Bureau has sourced close to 25,000 workers to be trained and recruited for the Hawassa Industrial Park (HIP), which is expected to become operational in October 2016. A total budget of close to 60 million Br is set aside for the Hawassa Industrial Park Sourcing and Training Employees in the Region (HIPSTER) to source, recruit and train 30,000 workers in two years. This represents half of the ultimate absorption capacity of the Park when it is fully occupied and operational

Sidama study shows economic benefits of sheep milk in Ethiopia

S heep rearing is an important part of livestock production in Ethiopia and sheep milk could offer additional nutritional and income benefits for the country’s smallholder farmers. Currently, sheep production in Ethiopia generates household income through the sale of live animals, provides meat (animal protein) for families, manure for fertilizing cropping land and meets socio-economic needs. Sheep and sheep products are also exported to provide much needed foreign exchange for the country.But, despite its socio-economic  importance, the role of sheep as a source of milk is not well developed in the country. On the other hand, some areas of the country are, however,  now paying attention to sheep’s role in providing milk. In the Sidama highlands of southern Ethiopia, sheep not only provide meat but are also being used for milk production. According to farmers in the Gonjebe peasant association of Bensa District, sheep milk is being used by the elderly (when mixed with coffee) and

Diversity and Abundance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Under Different Plant and Soil Properties in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia

Abstract:  In Sidama, agroforestry represents land-use systems with deliberate management of multipurpose trees and shrubs that grow in intimate association with annual and perennial agricultural crops and/or livestock. The interaction of microbiota with the trees, shrubs and crops make the system fertile, productive and sustainable. One of the beneficial microbiota which has symbiotic association with most of the plants in agroforestry is arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In November and December of 2012, root and rhizosphere soil samples of 21 plant species from nine peasant associations (PAs)(villages within districts where 300-500 families live) were collected from the agroforestry practices in Sidama of Southern Ethiopia for the determination of diversity and abundance of AMF under selected soil parameters and plant species density. Findings on the diversity of AMF based on soil properties showed that at moderate to low P and N concentrations the rate of AMF root colonization

30k workforce to be trained for Hawassa Industrial Park

Courtesy: Industrial Parks Development Corporation, Ethiopia and Ethiopian News Agency An agreement has been signed to source, recruit and train 30,000 people in the  textile  and garment industry for the newly launched Hawassa Industrial Park in Ethiopia.   The agreement has been signed by four parties, viz. the Enterprise Partners, a programme of UK's Department for International Development (DfID),  Trade  and Industry Bureau of Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS), Ethiopian Textile Industry Development Institute (ETIDI), and the Tenants' Association representing the manufacturers at park.   As per the agreement, beginning September 2016, people will be imparted on-the-job training over the next two and a half years. Around 80 per cent of the workforce is expected to be women.   The workforce would be selected through a process of informing, registering, orienting and pre-selection from potential recruitment areas within SNNPRS